Well Stuart's away in Scotland now, having got the conference out the way he's been off hiking and catching up with as many people as possible in the time he has. Sounds like Jack has done quite well out of it, alhought the credit card may not agree after Stuart's visit to BabyGap. Lucky I'm not there too or we wouldn't be able to afford the plane home!
Jack and I have been busy (trying to keep warm) despite the term break. Jack is walking everywhere now! He's so pleased with himself too and looks like a little zombie with his legs wide apart and arms up! A few falls but nothing too serious. He's also got two more teeth, the two on either side at the top. We've got some video of the walking since Daddy missed it )-: Another milestone, Jack had his first haircut today!! I really didn't want to but his fringe was in his eyes so I thought I probably should. Jack was the most difficult customer ever but we got there without disaster and my hairdresser friend said it looks good. So look out, I have scissors and I'm not afraid to use them!
Playcentre started back on Friday so Jack got to eat some more paint, and we're back to swimming tomorrow. We went to a music group this morning which was really great except it was Jack's naptime so he only enjoyed it a little bit. We've done lots of visiting and had some little visitors here too. Jack's also been 'helping' me in the garden and we'll have it all beautified for when Daddy gets home.
I haven't posted any pics as Stuart has the camera but we were at a friend's the other and she took a few so I'll put them up now. There's a couple from my phone too but they don't look so good this size.
If you're reading this Stuart, miss you heaps, can't wait to see you. Take care - lots of love from Us xxx
Jack loves walking around with my handbag all day...

After the haircut...