Oops just realised it's been a while since I updated!
What have we been up to? We've been sick! For the past month Jack and I have taken turns... first Jack had a bit of a cold, not too bad - then I got one, then Jack got one which was a bit worse than the first, then I got tonsillitis and the following day Jack proceeded to throw up all over the place (luckily lasted less than 24 hours) and he now has another cold )-: It sounds really bad doesn't it, but it hasn't been too terrible the whole time! He still manages to be a cheeky monkey while his tired parents race around cleaning up and working.
Stuart's been as busy as ever whith two courses on the go - finally finished an assignment on Friday so our skirting boards have finally gone on in the bathroom after a very long pause in the re-flooring process!
Despite all the colds etc we've still managed gym and playcentre - on Friday we had a trip to Staglands. It's a wildlife park which was more like a bushwalk as the wildlife part seemed a little bit lacking. Mind you we weren't really in the mood for it. Jack wanted to run around everywhere, but not necessarily in the right direction, he desperately wanted to get in the trout pond (have you seen how big thier mouths are???) and wanted to be carried, not sit in the buggy, and wanted to walk but not be out down *-: And I was really too tired to cope with all of that! The Stag part was right at the end and you had to walk up a big hill so we didn't see any deer or anything.
I'm on nightshift at the moment and Stuart's planned a dinner party tomorrow so while I sleep he'll be whipping up delicious delights. Sorry, no pictures this time I'll have to do that from home.
Counting down to the big trip now.... a month and a half to go!
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