Whew what a busy time it's been. We're just trying to recover from the whole Christmas/New Year palava. Although we've had a great time, I'm kinda glad it's all over. But can you believe it's 2006! I can't believe how fast the last year has gone... my baby won't be such a baby soon... a big one year old next month!
So, Christmas day... We had friends up for a pancake breakfast, Jack was asleep at first, and then when he got up Aaliyah got tired and needed the bed - so they weren't really very big participants at that stage. After they were gone, Jack, Stuart & I went back to bed for a nap! I'd been pretty busy leading up to Christmas with all the shopping (!), a little bit of work, preparing food and generally decking the halls in the Christmas spirit. And Stuart worked the whole time except for the day itself. However, come lunch time it was full swing again when Dad arrived, and another friend of ours, Matt. Jack was warming up now and getting into his cool new toys. We had a delicious roast meal and just managed to squeeze in some pavlova!
New Years was a sad affair with us tucked up in bed asleep by 10pm - sleep is precious these days and we just couldn't see the sense in forcing ourselves to stay up. Jack woke me at 1215 anyway so I gave him a quiet little New Year's kiss.
It's been a good time for family, too. Cousin Alexi came down on Thursday for a couple of weeks, so we've been busy going to the zoo, shopping, scrapbooking, baking etc. Then Chants arrived from the States after hmm, 5 years or so. Another cousin gave birth to a lovely wee boy on New Year's day.
Next weekend we're heading down to Christchurch for Brad & Michelle's wedding - yay! Then 2 weeks later it's up to Auckland for cousin Helen's 21st (-; made even more special by the fact that Stuart's Mum will be over from Scotland!
Jack's been busy too - partying into the wee small hours and keeping his Mum & Dad up. He's loads of fun though (during the day!) and getting himself around the place pretty well.
Well that's about all the goss for now, I'm sure I'll manage to scrape some more together for next time.
Hope everyone had a lovely, safe Christmas and New Years xxx