Sunday, November 27, 2005
Friday, November 25, 2005

Here's Jack's first masterpiece, it may be the only look you get at it as we are planning on selling it for lots and lots of money, hehe. Hopefully I'll soon have a photo of the artist at work for you. We recently attended the first in a string of first birthdays among Jack's wee pals, reminding us of how fast time flies! (when you're having fun). Speaking of which - one more month til Christmas!! Yikes! Secretly, though, I'm really excited and want to put the tree up and everything but I'm still figuring out how to baby proof that. Jack could certainly have a field day there (-: Anyway, will sign off for today and promise to update more regularly. Ka kite xxx

Hi everyone, haven't posted anything for ages! Partly lazy, partly camera issues and partly very very busy! Sarah got tonsillitis & ear infection the week before last, then Jack got a cold last week and now Stuart's got it! And when we're not on our sick beds, we're chasing Jack around the house stopping him from eating cat biscuits, crawling out the back door, jamming his fingers in doors or sticking his tongue into power points! The house is now baby proof and even we can't open any drawers! Apart from that, Stuart's busy with work, work, work. Most of you may have heard that he's off to Scotland next year for a visit - lucky Scotland! Poor Sarah & Jack )-: Nevermind, nothing loads of pressies won't fix.
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Antenatal Coffee Group
Here's a few pics from our get together with our antenatal group on Friday (although really we should call it postnatal). We catch up monthly and it's great to see all the bubs together and see what everyone's been up to. They're changing so fast, and there's a bit of talk about siblings...
Family in Auckland
After returning from Taupo, Jack & I spent a week up in Auckland and stayed with Aunty Chris & co. We also managed to catch up with my cousins Michelle and Tarn, and thier boys Shaquai and Jayden. Then Jack got to see his cousin Isla for the second time when we caught up with Euan (Stuart's brother) & Janiene at thier place. Both of them had changed heaps since last time, which was when Jack was just a few weeks old. As great as it was to be on holiday and seeing family, we were both more than ready to come home by the end of the week and we're just starting to get Jack back into a good sleep pattern again - so not feeling like another trip away for a while yet!
Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Our recent holiday: A couple of weeks ago we travelled to Taupo for 7 days of R&R (Yay!). We stayed in a great cabin just 5km South of the town, up on a hill with a veiw of the lake. Stuart's cousin Helen joined us for a couple of days and we enjoyed the sights and food, and beat her at minigolf. The Tuesday was Stuart's birthday, which he chose to spend hiking in Tongariro National Park, the photo of Mount Tongariro above was taken from the summit of Mount Ngauruhoe. We also did a shorter, more sedate walk together around a lake called Lake Rotopounamu. We did a lake cruise, saw the maori rock carvings. tasted most of the local fare and played more minigolf (Sarah is the champion). We'll definitely be going back!
First Entry
Hi everyone, this is the first edition of Jack's blog so we hope you enjoy it and bear with us as we figure it out! This is where we'll be able to keep you up to date with our family life, post pics and let you write back to us (-:
We'll be putting up some more photos soon to show you our house, holiday, etc. Oh, and of course there'll be photos of the wee man (-:
Lots of love from Stuart, Sarah & Jack