Jack's words
Jack has been yabbering away for a while and now he's coming out with a few words too! His first was Mum-my then when he learnt Dadadad he forgot my name altogether. Next was 'puh-puh' for puss puss and then 'Ta' which has been shortened to 'ah'. Then 'doh' fpr dog. This week he's saying Bay-ee constantly (Bailey's our cat) or Bay for short. He's also started saying uh-oh all the time or just 'uh uh' or 'oh oh' with an 'uh-oh!' expression on. Then today he was saying wo-ow!
The other day he copied when a visitor said bye-bye (ba-ba) and me when I said bye Daddy (ba-y Da). And he sometimes copies animal noises - mmmmmmmm or baa
It's so cool and he talks heaps in his own little language - "What you doing Jack?" "ba doo doo do yo yo yo yo"
Soon he'll be like "See ya, Mum I'm off out with me mates" (-:
Here's a cool pic (little poser!)

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